~ Hey y'all, I'm Abigail ~


Thank you for caring to get to know a little about me personally!  I'm a wife and mother to 2 boys.  My husband is a big kid, too, so I technically have 3 boys (kids)!  We have a fur-baby named LadyBelle, who is my only girl, so she's spoiled.  We attend church at Francis Lake Baptist Church in Lake Park, GA, where my husband helps teach the teenage group in Sunday School and on Wednesday nights, and I help teach the Pre-K/ Kindergarten Sunday School class.  In our spare time (really, WHAT IS spare time?!), we enjoy all things outdoors!  The mountains are our favorite vacation spot, with the beach being a very close 2nd.  I love animals and have passed that trait down to my little boy... we would adopt all of the homeless cats and dogs in the world if we could!  I couldn't end the about me section without mentioning my love for real estate!  My husband and I enjoy flipping houses when we find one close to home; it's just another piece of the real estate pie that I love to eat!  I dearly love what I get to do every day as my career; I feel very blessed to have a job that doesn't feel like a "job".  
